Samurai Sikkerhet

Samurai Sikkerhet


Samurai Sikkerhet is a Norwegian comedy series about the company Samurai Security, an unauthorized security company that consisted of unskilled guards with more confidence than self-insight. The company was led by Kato Haugen

The series uses the current prejudices and perceptions of the security industry. These are people who like to go in police uniform and talk about emergency preparedness, but who do not have enough developed skills to enter the Police College. They drive emergency vehicles with lamps on the ceiling and hunt unauthorized poster stickers with great seriousness. They are big children with a cellar room full of samurai and martial arts.


  • Status: Finalizada
  • Gênero: Comédia
  • Estréia: 27/02/2014
  • Fim: 08/05/2014
  • Emissora: NO TV 2
  • Duração do Episódio: 35 minutos


  • 12 - Episode 12 Exibido em 08/05/2014
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  • 11 - Episode 11 Exibido em 01/05/2014
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  • 10 - Episode 10 Exibido em 01/05/2014
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  • 9 - Episode 9 Exibido em 24/04/2014
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  • 8 - Episode 8 Exibido em 24/04/2014
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  • 7 - Episode 7 Exibido em 10/04/2014
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  • 6 - Episode 6 Exibido em 03/04/2014
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  • 5 - Episode 5 Exibido em 27/03/2014
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  • 4 - Episode 4 Exibido em 20/03/2014
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  • 3 - Episode 3 Exibido em 13/03/2014
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  • 2 - Episode 2 Exibido em 06/03/2014
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  • 1 - Episode 1 Exibido em 27/02/2014
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