Watashi, Teiji de Kaerimasu

Watashi, Teiji de Kaerimasu


Higashiyama Yui works as a director at Net Heroes, a web production company. Due to her workaholic father and bad experiences in the past, she loathes working overtime. Even 2 years ago, she broke off her engagement to Taneda Kotaro because he was a workaholic. At her job, Higashiyama Yui always leaves at the end of the regular working day and never works overtime. She tries to be efficient as possible and productive during her normal working hours. After she leaves her office, Higashiyama Yui normally drinks beer at her regular Chinese restaurant. Her peaceful days begin to change after a new department head arrives at work.


  • Status: Finalizada
  • Gênero: Drama, Romance
  • Estréia: 16/04/2019
  • Fim: 25/06/2019
  • Emissora: JP TBS
  • Duração do Episódio: 60 minutos


  • 10 - Episode 10 Exibido em 25/06/2019
    Dê sua nota:
  • 9 - Episode 9 Exibido em 11/06/2019
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  • 8 - Episode 8 Exibido em 04/06/2019
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  • 7 - Episode 7 Exibido em 28/05/2019
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  • 6 - Episode 6 Exibido em 21/05/2019
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  • 5 - Episode 5 Exibido em 14/05/2019
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  • 4 - Episode 4 Exibido em 07/05/2019
    Dê sua nota:
  • 3 - Episode 3 Exibido em 30/04/2019
    Dê sua nota:
  • 2 - Episode 2 Exibido em 23/04/2019
    Dê sua nota:
  • 1 - Episode 1 Exibido em 16/04/2019
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