I Bet You

I Bet You


I Bet You is a half-hour game show slash doc slash buddy comedy. In each episode we glimpse inside the outrageous lives of best friends and uber gamblers Phil "the Unabomber" Laak and Antonio "the Magician" Esfandiari as they wander the streets of America, all the while betting and daring each other and others on anything and everything that inspires them. We'll see high-stakes wagering action on the streets, outrageous dares for big money, and event-level bets all risking our hosts' own money and pride. The rapport and interaction between Antonio and Phil forms the backbone of the series---we're watching the top poker players in the world joust with each other, bringing their intensely competitive spirits and quirky personalities into our living rooms. We're getting a glimpse at their lifestyles, competitive friendships, and hilarious banter.


  • Status: Finalizada
  • Gênero: Comédia
  • Estréia: 16/04/2007
  • Fim: 10/07/2008
  • Emissora: US Mojo HD
  • Duração do Episódio: 30 minutos


  • 14 - Vegas Exibido em 10/07/2008
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  • 13 - Ballet Exibido em 03/07/2008
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  • 12 - Circus Exibido em 26/06/2008
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  • 11 - Radio Exibido em 19/06/2008
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  • 10 - Fencing Exibido em 12/06/2008
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  • 9 - Detectives Exibido em 05/06/2008
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  • 8 - F1 Racing Exibido em 29/05/2008
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  • 7 - Demolition Derby Exibido em 22/05/2008
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  • 6 - Camping Exibido em 15/05/2008
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  • 5 - Songwriting Exibido em 08/05/2008
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  • 4 - Air Combat Exibido em 01/05/2008
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  • 3 - Firefighting Exibido em 24/04/2008
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  • 2 - Modeling Exibido em 17/04/2008
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  • 1 - Who's More of a Man? Exibido em 10/04/2008
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